In case you haven't yet, you can add the ESP32 boards to your Arduino IDE by adding them to the Boards Manager: Open File -> Preferences, and paste the following URL in the Additional Boards Manager URLs field: Ps3SetBluetoothMacAddress(new_mac) Getting Started with Arduino Installing the ESP32 board
Usb bt400 ps3 controller code#
Note for ESP-IDF: If you opted to change the ESP32's MAC address, you'll need to include this snippet in your code before calling ps3Init(), where the MAC address should match with the one stored on the PS3 controller: I used SixaxisPairTool for this, but you can try using sixaxispairer as well, if open source is important to you. Whichever path you choose, you're going to need a tool to read and/or write the currently paired MAC address from the PS3 controller.
Usb bt400 ps3 controller Bluetooth#
Therefore, if you want to connect your PS3 controller to the ESP32, you either need to figure out what the Bluetooth MAC address of your PS3 console is and set the ESP32's address to it, or change the MAC address stored in the PS3 controller. This initiates writing the console's MAC address to the controller. Usually, this pairing happens when you connect the controller to the PS3 console using a USB cable, and press the PS button. When a PS3 controller is 'paired' to a PS3 console, it just means that it has stored the console's Bluetooth MAC address, which is the only device the controller will connect to. However, Arduino is supported too! Pairing the PS3 Controller: This library is meant to be used with Espressif's ESP-IDF IoT Development Framework. Control your ESP32 projects with a PS3 controller!